Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Basic Phone Interview Questions and Best Answers

When you are seriously looking a job  you can't wait to hear from the hiring officer to call or email you for an interview. It is important you are well prepared to answer  the questions effectively.When you answered all the questions and proved the hiring officer you are the right person on the position you   have a chance to be invited onsite interview.

Keep in mind it is "make it or break it" so being prepared gives you the chance to be success. Here are the basic phone interview questions you might consider to practice at home. 

  • Tell me about yourself? The question sounds easy and  most applicants forget to answer the question that the employer wants to hear. The best answer is tell about your professional experience that is related to the job you are applying.
  • What is your education background? Be honest and straight to the point. This is the best time to explain how your education prepared you in the real world. Explain to the hiring officer if you are in honor students,  community involvement, leadership awards, volunteer, and if you are a working students don't forget to mention it-proves you have the ability to be a multitask and ability to succeed just to improved your skills.

  • What are your qualifications for this position?Your best answer is your experience. Explain  your education, experience that is related to the job you are applying.
  • What is the most important thing you’re looking for job? I'm sure your answer is your salary-try not to mention about the salary in this questions.The best thing you can convince to your hiring officer is a new challenge with an opportunity for growth and development. 


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