Every person or family has Bank Account. Whether it is for savings or checking account ,it is very important to be wary these days. Banks has a good number of competitions so there are more selections which sometime hard to pick which one offers the best.
Banks these days has so many schemes from now and then, which is overwhelming and enticing.Though, it is still best to be educate and have a better comprehend of what you getting in.
Basic Questions to Ask When opening a Bank Account:
- What type of I account do I need to open? This is very important you need to ask.Savings or Checking account.Both are different from each other and have a minimum balance.Like me,I have one account but I have to maintain a minimum balance in my bank account.
- How much is the interest rate? Well, hen savings money in the bank interest rate is necessity so you know how much you gain every month.
- What is the debit card? Ask about the fees if you have to use it. Ask whether you would pay a transaction fee if you use your debit card to get cash back.
- How much the initial deposit when opening the account?
- How much the minimum withdrawals you are allowed everyday and how much money you are allowed to withdraw in Cashier and ATM.Many banks are allowed to withdraw using your ATM $500 a day.
- How safe is your money? Understand how much your money insured in the bank- Remember never put all your eggs in one basket.
- How to access online banking and what are the fees.
With all the changes plus the technology -Opening a bank account is not just easy as I remember before. You need to understand all the basic questions before opening one.
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