Tuesday, November 26, 2013

There is no secret to save money

Would you believe if I say there is no secret to save money? Why? Basically if you don’t understand your needs and wants in life then you can’t save money.  I know most of us struggling how to save money. I’m sure most of us  spend in reading books, e-books and listening to guru on how to save money. My questions is , do you really saves money? Is there really a secret on how to save money or it is a hoax.

When I study my business degree budgeting and analyzing goes together. In real life it is hard to do. Whether you like it or not if you don’t understand your needs and wants there is no secret to save money. Another thing to consider is sacrificing your needs or wants.Are you ready?
What is Your Needs:
I say that the first thing you need to understand is your needs and most of us has a hard time to understand what is really our needs in life . I/we are a compulsive buyer. We tend to use our emotions in terms in our needs.
Basically wants is only a human being and I don’t deny I have a hard time about my wants. For me sometime, wants is my needs and I ended buying it. My wants probably is your needs and your needs is my wants and vice-versa.
The bottom line, we all need to identify our needs and wants,then we can save money by cutting and understanding our needs. It's a bout disciplining ourselves and focus your goal in life.